Easy Habits to Add to Your Meal Plan To Reduce Food Waste
Happy Earth Month! Incorporate some of these strategies into your food prep routines and reduce your at home food waste. The average American throws away between 30 - 40% of the food that they purchase. There are many ways to prevent food waste at home AND a lot of them are easy and convenient, too! Food connects us with our land and with each other. Respecting our food and protecting where it comes from leads to true nourishment. To show that respect, we strive to be intentional with the food we bring into our homes. It will help the environment and our wallets to eat up as much food as we can and avoid food waste!
Create a Plan
Consider the space you have in your home for storing food
Consider the time you have available
Add new habits one by one
Which category does most of your waste come from?
Leftovers from restaurants
Leftovers from meals cooked at home
Leftover ingredients
Ingredient scraps
Create a Tracking System
Use a dry erase board, chalkboard, or piece of paper to write down all of the leftovers and keep this in a very visible place
Make Your Meal Leftovers More Appetizing
Just try a bite and see if your appetite develops
Reheat in a toaster oven or on the stove instead of the microwave for better texture
Add a different sauce for a different seasoning
Pair leftover proteins with new veggies or starch
4. Ensure your food storage containers are airtight
Replace cracked lids when possible
Consider doing a beeswax wrap for plastic wrap swap
5. Use Up All of Your Ingredients Before They Go Bad
Sometimes it might be best to purchase frozen veggies or canned veggies because they will last longer than fresh
Create a space in your fridge for a “USE NOW” bin where you can place all of the ingredients that need to be used up ASAP
If the ingredient doesn’t do well in the freezer, blend it into a sauce that can be frozen and thawed and still be delicious
6. Incorporate Habits into you Food Prep Routines
Save Peels and Trim pieces in the freezer until you have enough to make your own stock
Quick pickle extra veggies like cucumber, carrots, green beans, bell peppers, onion
Make Croutons or Bread Crumbs from leftover bread