If you could score a bonus 50+ hours of free time each year, what would you spend it on?
Most Americans spend more than 50 hours in the grocery store each year…and that’s just the shopping part. Those 50 hours don’t even include:
meal planning
compiling a shopping list
transportation to and fro
putting away groceries
or cooking
Combine your meal planning and grocery delivery in one place for added convenience and time savings.
Schedule My First Shop!
Schedule My First Shop!
(click here)
personalize your grocery delivery
avoid food allergies and sensitivities
request specific name brand ingredients if desired
avoid over ordering frequently used pantry staples like salt, dried herbs, soy sauce, etc.
easily add a donation item; non perishable foods will be taken to a food bank weekly
All of your groceries will be delivered in reusable grocery bags and produce bags. These bags are made from recycled material. Upon receiving your groceries and bags, you have three choices for what to do with your bags:
Save them for your next chefpro shop. We will deliver your new groceries in new bags and pick-up your old bags: no fees charged.
Schedule a bag pick-up and one of our chefpros will retrieve the bags from your doorstep: no fees charged.
Adopt them into your home and use our bags forever. $10 adoption fee charged for one shop's worth of bags.
The following cleaning and sanitizing procedures are used by chefate to ensure everybody’s health and safety:
Personal chefpro Hygiene
Thoroughly wash hands before leaving for the store
Sanitize hands immediately prior to entering the store and after loading your groceries in their car
Contact free delivery every time
Grocery Bags
Each bag is sprayed thoroughly with diluted bleach to sanitize between each and every shop
Stored in a sanitized tub in between shops
Produce Bags
Washed in cold water and tumble dried on high heat to kill germs
Thoroughly cleaned between each and every shop
Stored in a sanitized tub in between shops
Visit the link to see recommendations from the CDC for how you can keep your home clean!