food questions and curiosities answered by the experts
Thank goodness for search engines. Virtually anything we want to know we can find in a few clicks. But then, sometimes there’s contradicting information, off-topic insights, or just too much fluff and finding the answer becomes about as lengthy as those middle school book reports.
That’s why chefate offers the ‘phone a chefpro’ feature. When you want a clear cut answer from a resource you can trust, call or text us.
Whether it’s a simple question or something more complex, we are here to share our knowledge and provide you with the guidance and confidence to make a delicious and praiseworthy dish.
Play with your food again!
Try new cooking techniques and see what happens. After all, we learn more from failure than we do from success. You might not execute it perfectly the first time, but we guarantee you’ll learn something new and you’ll probably still have a yummy meal. Let’s bring childlike curiosity and wonder back into our cooking lives. And if you ever really get stuck, just call us!