Chatter and Dish - The Spark

For some people cooking is a chore, for others it is a hobby, and for some it is a passion and profession. Regardless, many of our first memories with food connect us with our family. Today we explore chefs’ youngest connections to food and what inspired them to turn their passion of cooking or baking into a career.


What is your earliest memory in the kitchen?

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What inspired you to cook/bake professionally?

“I have always been infatuated with cookbooks and cake decorating magazines! Part of this stems from my mom's work at a NYC bakery when I was young. Another part stems from my love of learning about & eating and enjoying all sorts of food! I stayed interested in a potential career in the culinary industry throughout my schooling but really decided to pursue it when I was working on my pre-law undergrad degree. I just didn't feel love and enjoyment from that field and craved doing something I felt strong passion for.”

- Chef Renee

“My parents, and also Emeril Lagasse”

“My mom and tv shows growing up”

“Wanting to create and decorate (cakes specifically, but any dessert) for others to enjoy”

“The Food Network. My love for cooking and baking came from my family. But, the realization and determination to pursue this as my career came from watching the Food Network and seeing all the possibilities that exist.”

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Chefs’ Fridge Organizing Rules


Trust Your Gut - Eat for Satisfaction Tune out the Hype