All About Wheat Flour

All Purpose Flour is soft and powdery so the gluten is uninhibited to do its job.

Gluten is made of glutenin and gliadin

glutenin is the strength of gluten

gliadin is the elasticity of gluten

Whole Wheat Flour provides more Vitamin B, Vitamin E, and fiber than All Purpose Flour.

In whole wheat flour, the bran and germ cut at the gluten as it develops creating denser products

Many recipes are best when you only replace part of the all purpose flour with whole wheat flour. Start with 50% whole wheat flour and 50% all purpose flour.

Types of Wheat Flour

All Purpose Flour - middle of the road protein content

Bread Flour - higher protein content and better for breads

Cake Flour - lower protein content and better for cakes

Pastry Flour - lower protein content and better for pie dough


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