How to Cook Without a Recipe
Show off your confidence in the kitchen by cooking without a recipe! Have you ever felt stuck inside a recipe wishing you knew how to just 'throw dinner together'?
Stop feeling stuck in the confines of a recipe and learn how to cook without using any recipes at all! We share 4 steps you can take to free yourself from following a recipe for every meal you cook.
Step 1: Create Your Favorite Foods Inventory
First you have to understand your flavor and texture preferences
These preference create the end goal that we’re trying to get the meal to.
This inventory will help answer your questions quicky and with confidence
Step 2: Understand what you can change
Get curious about food science and how ingredients interact with each other
Don’t change the mixing methods in baking recipes
Avoid creating any food safety concerns by thoughtfully planning your prep steps
Substitute ingredients with confidence
Step 3: Get familiar with common cooking methods
Step 4: Taste as you go, and taste again, and again!