Trust Your Gut - Eat for Satisfaction Building Body Respect for Moms
Intuitive Eating Nakia Laubscher Intuitive Eating Nakia Laubscher

Trust Your Gut - Eat for Satisfaction Building Body Respect for Moms

Chef Nakia interviews Cristina Cappucci, RD, MHSc to learn about building body respect for Moms. We explore how mom’s relationship with food effects child’s relationship with food and body image. We also discover diet culture’s sneaky ways of impacting moms and discuss ideas for how to embrace creating beautiful memories with children around food.

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Organize as a Team
Journey to an Organized Kitchen Nakia Laubscher Journey to an Organized Kitchen Nakia Laubscher

Organize as a Team

If you live with others, your kitchen is most likely a shared space. In this excursion on our Journey to an Organized Kitchen, Professional Organizer Pam and Chef Nakia discuss how we can create harmony and joy while organizing the kitchen as a team. Regardless of whether your team members are roommates or a significant other, open and kind communication is vital. We share ideas and resources to navigate your team's discussion for a game plan and that game plan's implementation.

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