Organize as a Team
Journey to an Organized Kitchen Nakia Laubscher Journey to an Organized Kitchen Nakia Laubscher

Organize as a Team

If you live with others, your kitchen is most likely a shared space. In this excursion on our Journey to an Organized Kitchen, Professional Organizer Pam and Chef Nakia discuss how we can create harmony and joy while organizing the kitchen as a team. Regardless of whether your team members are roommates or a significant other, open and kind communication is vital. We share ideas and resources to navigate your team's discussion for a game plan and that game plan's implementation.

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Chatter and Dish - Story Time
Chatter and Dish Nakia Laubscher Chatter and Dish Nakia Laubscher

Chatter and Dish - Story Time

Ahhh…culinary school! What a unique college experience!! When other freshman have schedules full of classes like, ‘Biology 101’, ‘Macroeconomics’, and ‘Creative Writing’, us culinary school attendees enroll in classes like, ‘Classic French Pastry’, ‘Principles of the Plate’, and ‘Chocolates and Confections’. There’s no question that earning a degree from a culinary institute is unlike the traditional university experience.

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High Altitude Kitchen
Chef's Tips Nakia Laubscher Chef's Tips Nakia Laubscher

High Altitude Kitchen

How does your altitude and location affect how you cook and bake? Lucky for you, all of chefate’s recipes are developed and tested right here in Denver! But, what if you want to use a recipe that was developed at sea level? Chef Nakia explains which adjustments to make and the science behind why these adjustments are necessary. The more you learn, the more knowledge and freedom you have to successfully change recipes to fit your preferences!!

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Gardening - Pumpkins!
Gardening Nakia Laubscher Gardening Nakia Laubscher

Gardening - Pumpkins!

Professional Chef, Amateur Gardener: Learn along with us as we explore growing our own food. Understanding the full life cycle of your ingredients can open up a new world of creativity and comfort when trying new flavor combinations. Picking the veggie or berry right off the vine and enjoying it immediately reminds you how complex, delicious, and satisfying food is.

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Create Treasure Drawers
Journey to an Organized Kitchen Nakia Laubscher Journey to an Organized Kitchen Nakia Laubscher

Create Treasure Drawers

Join us as we continue on our Journey to an Organized Kitchen!! Drawer space in the kitchen is oh-so coveted. Many people wish they had one or two more drawers to store important items. We discuss ideas with Professional Organizer Pam to make the most of the space we have so when we open our drawers we open a treasure trove of useful, organized cooking necessities.

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Chefs’ Fridge Organizing Rules
Chef's Tips, Journey to an Organized Kitchen Nakia Laubscher Chef's Tips, Journey to an Organized Kitchen Nakia Laubscher

Chefs’ Fridge Organizing Rules

Is there a right way and a wrong way to organize your refrigerator? At home (and working with design flaws of many residential fridges) you do what works for you. But in a professional kitchen - absolutely, there’s a right way! Keep the following rules in mind and see how many you can implement into your fridge at home.

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Chatter and Dish - The Spark
Chatter and Dish Nakia Laubscher Chatter and Dish Nakia Laubscher

Chatter and Dish - The Spark

For some people cooking is a chore, for others it is a hobby, and for some it is a passion and profession. Regardless, many of our first memories with food connect us with our family. Today we explore chefs’ youngest connections to food and what inspired them to turn their passion of cooking or baking into a career.

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How To Meal Prep Like a Line Cook
Chef's Tips Nakia Laubscher Chef's Tips Nakia Laubscher

How To Meal Prep Like a Line Cook

When you are cooking on the line, speed is key! You must have all your components prepped and ready to assemble so you can keep up with orders and avoid the weeds. When we bring that line cook mentality into our home kitchens, we can prepare ourselves for quick, stress-free cooking for the rest of the week. Learn how the experts do it and build these skills into your prepping and cooking routine!

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Chatter and Dish - At Home
Chatter and Dish Nakia Laubscher Chatter and Dish Nakia Laubscher

Chatter and Dish - At Home

Chefs share their culinary secrets. In this series, we will take a peek into how chefs prepare delicious meals, why they work in this industry, and what are their opinions around everything food related. A whole team of chefs has generously agreed to answer all of your burning questions about professional kitchens and the life of a chef.

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Clearing Clutter around the Stove
Journey to an Organized Kitchen Nakia Laubscher Journey to an Organized Kitchen Nakia Laubscher

Clearing Clutter around the Stove

Chef Nakia and Professional Organizer Pam discuss what you need to think about while storing items near the stove. How do you keep tools in easy reach without creating a cluttered counter top? Should certain cooking utensils live in certain places? What about spices? Where do they go? Learn answers to all these questions and more in today’s Journey to an Organized Kitchen!

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